
Showing posts from March, 2016

Exceeded my own expectations!

First and foremost, I'd like to extend my deepest apologies for my absurdly long absence. I promise I have extremely good reasons for taking such a long hiatus, but perhaps that will be covered in a post different to this one. Meanwhile, I am ridiculously happy because I have awesome news to share with you guys! Those of you who know me in real life, and are close enough to me, will know that I've been putting some amount of effort into  IELTS . Disclaimer: Bear with me and read through the next three paragraphs, or my story might thoroughly confuse you (especially if you're not familiar with IELTS). I'm so sorry - I really am! For those who are unfamiliar with IELTS, the acronym stands for International English Language Testing System , and is one of the most popular tests determining one's English language ability. Taken by candidates from all over the globe in order to surpass a specific English language threshold (varying from institution to institu...