
Showing posts from April, 2014

Early in the morning

I seriously have a problem with my sleeping patterns. I'd just ended my second day of my internship yesterday, round about 4:45pm, soon after I ended my hours for the day, and the boss briefed me on my tasks for Friday (since he won't be in that day). I won't say what, but it sounded like a simple enough project for me to undertake. After all, I was told during my interview that my internship would be project-based and not just a single role. I quipped with my colleague about how I was so eager to leave high school back in the day, and now 4 years later I'm working in a school. Oh, the irony. Anyhow, after coming home and having had dinner, I fall asleep almost immediately after. Hence the weird sleeping patterns. I woke up at about 1am earlier, and have been wide awake since. Also, I'm supposed to be awake in about 2.5 hours for class later at 9am. I should be using this time awake to catch up on the work I missed out last week when I was sick, but... I...

First post!

In case you've typed this address into your web browser and wondered why this blog is practically empty, it's because I've switched links. This link was previously for my first blog which has since been privatised, has now been changed to this . Anyway, amidst my slow and painfully annoying recovery after 2 consecutive nights of partying last weekend, I'm waiting to begin my 16-week part-time internship, starting tomorrow. Surprisingly, I'm feeling quite neutral about it. Well, should I compare it to my entering uni during my first year, the feelings are definitely neutral. I guess this makes for my very quick first post on my new public blog. I'm anticipating a yummy chicken and mushroom cheese baked rice dinner, courtesy of le big brother. Wish me luck for my internship, and cheers!